Jodi (5'7" 130 lbs) and Talia (5'7" 120 lbs) work out at the same gym and it's no secret that they don't like each other. The feud has become so hot that both sexy women agreed to strip down nude and settle things once and for all on the mat, exclusively in front of our cameras! Jodi jumps on her foes back, puts her down, then attacks with full nelsons, headlocks and full body pins as she her big breasts into her rivals face. She then clamps down with tight body scissors, securing the first submission, and tapping Talia out in pain. Jodi's dominance continues with a pressful schoolgirl pin before she pounds her tits into Talia's face. A ruthless head scissor jams Talia’s face into Jodi’s naked crotch for another submission. A humiliated Talia gets trapped in a head scissor then gets her face plastered into the mat and now knows she must fight back or be totally dominated. She strikes back as she lifts her rival off the ground, then airplane spins her to the mats. Cross body pins followed by body scissors, leg locks and a nasty knee across the throat submits Jodi and sets a new tone in this mean-spirited battle. Talia continues her comeback with submissions by rear naked combined with body scissors as well as a vicious arm lock to even up this brutal contest. The match see-saws back and forth as both nude beauties give 110% .Who will be victorious after 45 minutes of ultra competitive female wrestling action?
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