Athena Worthy, world renown Tae Kwon Do karate master, endures a brutal encounter with 4th degree black belt Kenpo expert Lance Wilson. Athena is enjoying an intense workout on the heavy bag, when she is rudely interrupted by Lance. After Athena insists on an apology Lance demands the "Bitch" get out of his way because there is no place for women in martial art's. Athena erupts and sucker punches him press Lance to defend his manhood. He offers her a challenge for an anything-goes kick boxing match. As the fight begins both are evenly matched and get an equal amount of punches and kicks in. As Athena's feminine power hits overdrive, the match quickly turns in her favor. She beats Lance to a pulp with classical Kung-Fu. Lance's odds in winning quickly diminish after being hit in the groin, with a full press wing of Athena's riot stick. Athena will not stop with her delivery of pain and humiliation. She devours her man with powerful leg scissors to his neck and ribs. As Lance reaches exhaustion, Athena unleashes the anger of a repressed woman beyond her breaking point, and flogs Lance with her 9 foot whip. The final scene is so shocking you must see it for yourself.
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