Lydia uses her quick reflexes and street fighter experience as she gets down and dirty in this topless mixed wrestling encounter. When a smart ass man tries to grab her chest an offer is made: "If you can beat me - you can touch my tits." She slaps him down, pulls his hair then throws him to the bed before trapping him in a brutal head scissor and crushing his head between her strong thighs. She continues the beating with knees to the midsection, triangles and body scissors then mauls him with vicious crotch busting and kicks to the balls. She slams her tits into his face and punishes him with her big breasts, leaving Bill desperate to breathe and pleading for mercy. Unfortunately for him none is forthcoming as Lydia then administers a powerful dose of domination with fierce facesits as she flexes her biceps in victory while atop the helpless loser. The match ends with his cock and balls grabbed and twisted after 18 minutes of complete female domination. Bill crawls out of the room on his hands and knees after a beatdown that he will never forget.
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